The dog in Untitled (DJ) is situated behind a turn table and holds a record in one hand. This article was originally published on TODAY. The barking dog, or laughing dog, is one of Keith Harings most popular images. “We could work together and create a colorful creation, or something new or something different, so watch this space.” “In the future we’ve got plans for maybe projects on the scale of this,” he said, gesturing at the mansion. Doodle likes to color in my doodles so we sometimes work together on canvases or big pieces of work,” Cox said. Keith Haring, recipient Friday of a Google Doodle, was among a group of art school students who considered themselves Pop Art heirs to Andy Warhol. They collaborate on some projects, with Alena introducing color to Cox’s hitherto monochrome creations. He has since recovered, and now has the support of his Ukrainian-born wife, Alena, 32, who is also an artist. This is a cheap replica of one of the greatest all time artists Keith Haring. “I went through a wave of hallucinations and delusions from thinking that I was speaking to God to being hired to doodle all over Donald Trump’s wall,” Cox wrote on his Facebook page shortly afterward. Success, however, took its toll in 2020, when Cox said he was hospitalized for six weeks owing to stress brought on by the administrative side of his work.

Sam Cox, doodle house (Mo Abbas / NBC News)