Like this I don’t have any trust in your service anymore and I think many people will have it as well not anymore! It’s for me very unfair how you treat your clients different! I read from people who had the same problem like me with you, some didn’t got any access and some you gave the account back and some you gave after many messages the opportunity to get at least for couple hours acces to their accounts. I need my access back to my account! Please give me at least for couple hours! How can I reach you elsewhere please give me a phonenumber or post adress. “ !!!Reply to Protons Message: Hello Protonmail, thanks for your reply! As many times explained I didn’t made any bulk sign ups! I also didn’t made any abusive registrations for third- party services! It seems it’s a common problem and I’m not the only one who have faced this problem with you, like you can see on your ratings here! If you have a problem with me not having a premium membership I can make one now that’s not a problem (like I also offered you before). We apologize, we cannot help you any further. Please if someone can help me, What can i do? My Ticketnumber is: 1751481 Update: They ignore me and write this: “Unfortunately, due to the aforementioned violations the account will remain permanently disabled. I tried to explain them to give me access few hours but i dont had any chance until now. On Reddit and many other platforms I read from people who had the same problem and got after long discussions their email complete back or at least for 24h.

It’s really not a friendly to disable my account completely and didn’t let me in even for a couple hours. " How is possible that when i never created any bulk sign ups! My big problem is this: my email is attached to a platform where i can log in only with mail access. If you believe this is in error, please contact us …“ I contacted their support and they replied me : " Unfortunately, our anti-abuse system has found numerous accounts that correlated to yours, and since bulk signups are not allowed on our service, sadly, we won't be able to help you with your accounts. PLEASE HELP ME! My Email got disabled! I tried to log in in my account and got this message: "This account has been suspended due to a potential policy violation. They blocked my account and don’t open it again without a real reason!